Energy Spell


A need for energy
A friend
A jump rope


This is not even a spell, but this can help you feel more energetic in only a couple minutes! It only lasts a day but if you do this at least once a day it can help you feel better too!

Spell Casting

First, do 15 jumping jacks and smile while you do them. :)
Next, jump rope. (if you don't have one just pretend)
Then, hug your sister or brother or someone near you. (If you don't have one or your sibling is not accessible, and you are alone skip this step)
Lastly, think "I am awake!" "I am awake!" "I am awake!"

This spell should work for about a day!
WARNING!: Don"t do this spell before bed!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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