Unconditional Love of Self


You need a pink candle, four crystals and an ash wand. The four crystals you need are labradorite, hematite, iron pyrite and rose quartz.


If you do not love yourself you can love no other. This is a crystal and wood spell to help you love yourself unconditionally.

Spell Casting

Light the candle. To the left of the candle place the Labradorite and the iron pyrite. To the right of the candle place the rose quartz and the hematite. Labradorite is the stone of magic; it holds within it the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis. Iron pyrite is the fire starter, the stone of universal protection. Hematite is red ochre, the blood of the Mother. And rose quartz is the stone which holds the unconditional love of the Divine. Ash is one of the three sacred trees of the Druids. When saying the spell, use the wand to point to each stone in turn, as they are mentioned.

Use your favorite meditational technique to enter an alpha state. When you are relaxed, say the following spell three times:


"Northern light, mother’s blood,
Firestone, and sacred wood,
Let all be done for highest good!
Rosy quartz seeks love divine.
In its depths my love I find.
Unconditional is my love for self.
I have a right to be here,
To be happy, and to enjoy full health."



Then, each morning for 23 days, say, "I love myself unconditionally. I have a right to be here, to be happy and to enjoy full health."

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.