Easy Psi Ball




No chanting, ingredients, or anything! Really simple and easy!!

Spell Casting

How to make a simple psi ball. Now, don't think this is going to be hard because it isn't. Like making a snowball but different. First off, draw some swirls on your hands. Now try to recreate that light tickling feeling you felt while drawing the swirls. If your hand tingles, this is a good sign. Now, think of what you want it to be. Hot. Cold.

Focus on something hot/cold. A blizzard, a fire, the sun, etc. While thinking of your hot/cold object, try to feel that tingling in your hands swirling. A good way to verify that you made your psiball hot/cold is to grab a partner and do the feel test. If you don't get it, don't be discouraged. Do it again and practice. And why stop at making it hot/cold? Your imagination is the limit!

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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