Incognito online spell


And your voice
The ability to visualize


Can't stand nozy people next to you figuring out who you are just because they are psychic? Well this will keep that gate closed.

Spell Casting

First take a moment to think about what you are trying to prevent.If you don't want a psychic or telepath reading your mind through your phone tablet or any other electronic device then this is the spell for you.

Imagine that the screen and you are connected. The connection is easy to imagine as a cord or chain attached to you. Break that cord or chain and imagine the screen is a gate to you.
The gate is open and anyone can read you. Now take your hand and trace a pentacle onto the screen. Imagine that pentacle locking the gate shut forever and say this spell 10 times
Elements of water fire earth and air
Shut this gate that connects me to others against my will
I place this block in my path to protect myself.
Those who are psychic or telepath shall not get through.
My mind is not theirs to enter.
I close the link forever
This is how it shall be
Blessed be.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.