IngredientsVoice,a video of a saiyan from the anime dragon ball z or dragon ball super powering up,transforming and seeing there emotions will effect you But in a good way.DescriptionWhen watching a saiyan powering up or transforming you feel hear and feel there emotions whether it is sadness,anger or excitement you will feel there power so I hope this works this spell isn't yet tested.
Spell CastingSo look up dragon ball z or dragon ball super and watch a video of them powering up or transforming and watch and feel there emotions and it should effect you and you should feel there energy/power so here it goes say I wish that when I watch a video of dragon ball z or dragon ball super of a saiyan powering up or transforming my hair will change and a aura will show and I will feel there energy and power and feelings and when they are done or finished I will have there power and I will automatically transform instantly with an aura around me and my hair will change including the color of what I see so goddesses and gods make this happen right now instantly so mote it be.Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.