IngredientsWolf toothWolf fur Small bottle Rain water Bay, bergamot, Sandalwood, Neroli, lavender, galbanum, and Euqualiptos are all essential oil u need DescriptionThis is a potion to turn into a werewolf! It has worked for me and my friends.
Spell CastingPut about 3 drops of rain water in a small bottle add 2 pieces of wolf fur add 4 drops each of bay bergamot sandalwood Neroli lavender galbanum and euqualiptus essential oils put the cap on and shake and mix it. Dip the wolf tooth in it and take it and lick the tooth drink the potion and keep the wolf tooth somewhere safe. All the essential oils I used are good for strength and to keep your fur tick lice dandruff and flea free.Had to be wolf fur and a wolf tooth But wolf dog fur and is fine. Not wolf dog tooth tho Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.