A Covet Candle


A dark green candle
Hot red pepper flakes
Two images of the object you want
A fire-proof dish


Do you know someone who has something you want? This is a spell designed to make them lose it and have it come to you instead. It's not a love spell to "take" a person though, this is for objects only.

And it may not work in a literal sense. If you want their TV, they can lose theirs through damage or theft and then you find yourself with extra money to buy your own. You don't always get their item exactly. You get the idea. It depends on the situation.

Spell Casting

You can use photos from newspapers or magazine, or make a drawing yourself. It doesn't have to be an exact photo of the actual object. Just a representation.

Put the two images together, face to face, with a sprinkling of red pepper flakes between them. Fold the pages in half, and then in half again. Make sure the flakes stay inside the paper. Repeat the following:

I covet and seek,
To take from the meek.
Bring this to me,
I wish it to be.

Visualize the person you wish to take the object from, and light the paper bundle on fire in the dish. Before it burns out completely, use the flames to light the candle. Repeat the words again, focusing on the object and the person who has it.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.