Unbreakable Shell Spell


The item you want to protect
5 pieces of obsidian or jet
Several feet of black yarn or string
Ground rosemary


This spell will create a protective "shield" around an object, protecting it from intrusion or theft. You'd use this with small items, like altar tools, jewelry or books. I wouldn't suggest it for your car.

Spell Casting

This spell makes use of the power of the pentacle, a typical Wiccan symbol. Set your item on a table or altar, and place the 5 pieces of stone in a pentagram shape around the object. Start to picture a shell being formed over your item.

Use the piece of string to lay out a pentacle, using the stones at the points of the star. Each line adds more energy to your growing shield. When the star is done, say out loud:

By the line unbroken,
Protect this token.

Use your finger to trace the pentacle in the air, above the one you made in stone and string. Repeat the words again.

Leave the item in its place overnight, and it should be protected from theft or harm.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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