Eye color changing spell


Belief in magic


This is a spell which will do what the name says, change your eye color, But it affects people in different ways. For example when I did this spell my eyes turned a glistening, bright gold depending on how drastically my emotions change, so wait a few days to see what your eyes respond to, to change color. If it doesn't work try again if it still doesn't work contact me through the mail o this site and tell me exactly how you did it and what could've gone wrong.

Spell Casting

So first your going to want to stand in front of a mirror or hold it in front of you. The look your self in the eye through the mirror. You must be in a quiet place so you can focus all your energy into doing so. Your going to want to feel the power of your brain sending signals to your eyes making them change color. Sit there stare at yourself through the mirror and just feel that your eyes are changing to what ever color you desire. You can only be focusing on this and nothing else. When you fell that you are ready chant he following three times;My eyes will change to my desire, They will change under my power.The color I want people to see is (color) so mote it be.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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