Vivacity Potion


two small bowls
citrus leaf oil
small amount of dried citrus leaves
cypress leaf oil
cold water
means to start a fire
mortar & pestle [or a sufficient substitute]
Container for the potion


Feeling drowsy and need some energy? Don't want to fill yourself with toxins, sugars and caffeine just to keep your eyes open? Well then do I have the potion for you!

This Vivacity Potion utilizes the powers of aromatherapy to help enhance your stamina when you just can't seem to stay awake!

Spell Casting

FIRSTLY, add your oils to the bowl. Make sure the citrus overpowers the cypress oil, this way you'll carry the smell with you longer throughout the day. After this you should prepare your bowl. Make sure it's clean, washing it beforehand is suggested.

NEXT, take your citrus leaves and crush them in the mortar and pestle. The drier the leaves the easier it will be. You can stop doing this once the leaves have gained an almost powder like texture and no longer appear to be leaves. Once this is complete you can put your crushed leaves into the second bowl.

THIRD, light the citrus powder on fire. Make sure not to stand too close to the flames as not to burn yourself, and make sure that the fire does not grow to a dangerous size. After the fire begins to give off a citrus aroma, you can extinguish the flames by placing a cloth over the bowl and depriving the fire of oxygen.

AFTERWARD, pour the ashes of the citrus leaves and the mix of the two oils into the container you plan to keep the potion in. Mix the two thoroughly either by shaking them or through stirring.

FINALLY, set the sealed container in cold water. Make sure that the water only comes up to half the height of the container so that the water won't contaminate the potion. Leave the potion in the cold water for an hour. After that, you can remove the potion. It is suggested that you store the potion at room temperature or colder, overheating the potion can lead to evaporation.

You can use the potion in two ways: by either rubbing it on your wrists and neck when you need an extra boost OR by pouring light amounts of it into your bath or shower in the morning.
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