The Triple Goddess Mind and Body Spell'


Set up your altar to represent the 3 Goddesses of your choosing, 1 for Maiden, 1 for Mother, 1 for Crone. Also Have at least one Silver candle, but 3 is preferred. An offering to your goddesses would also be beneficial. The rest of the altar can be set up however feels right to you. Including other candles with certain colors that support this spell. Herbs, stones, etc...


(Have no unnatural lighting and do your work with quite surroundings. Then cast your circle. After light all the candles & get comfy. Try going deep inside your mind as much as possible while dong this spell. Just keep repeating the spell, chanting its every word. Feel the power of your chant working up its energy and combining with the power of the Goddesses.)

Spell Casting

Repeat as needed...

Maiden, Mother, Crone
Make my mind at ease,
Grant me balance and
Grant me peace,
Goddesses I am with you,
So be with me.
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Make my body at ease,
Grant me with your serenity
And grant my body
With good strengthening,
Oh Goddesses I thank thee,
So Be It, Blessed Be.


(After you feel you have reached a point where you no longer have to chant and have successfully worked up enough energy. You may either choose between meditating until the candles burn out. Of course that might also require someone with there meditation skills down. Otherwise drinking your favorite tea with music going in the back ground while you do something preferably calming, like if you enjoy writing or drawing. Just try to do something relaxing until the candles completely go out.)
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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