Energy of Blood Potion


Mortar and pestle.
Coffee beans.
Ephedra stems.
A knife (preferably one you have used for other magic rites).
A few drops of the supposed drinker's blood.


A potion that gives endless vigour at expense of the drinker's health.

Spell Casting

Powder the coffee beans.

Cut the stems into small pieces with the knife, think of great energy flowing into them and chant:

  • "This plant saves energy around,
  • I ask to set it all unbound!"

Put the powdered beans and the stem pieces in the kettle, pour water over them and start heating the water. Chant:

  • "Ephedra's spiritual powers,
  • With caffeine's organic sours,
  • By blood I bind you through the lore
  • To give the drinker so much more!"

As soon as the water starts to boil, add the blood and get the kettle off the fire. Let it cool down and pour it into the container of choice. Now, you have prepared the potion that utilizes the body's health for energy.

Be careful, as if the blood in the potion doesn't match the drinker's blood, the health draw might increase greatly.
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