Isis Invocation


* An image or statue of Isis
* Water in a chalice or cup
* A candle
* White towel or rag
* Bell
* Optional: Use your imagination and creativity. Decorate the altar with rocks, minerals or other materials in which you feel, connects you to the divine.


Communicate with this Egyptian, Deity, Goddess. Ask her what she can do to help you.

Spell Casting

1.) Set up your altar while placing Isis image, or statue of Isis in center, or above altar. You can set up the rest of your altar how ever you prefer to do so. 

2.) Light your candle.

3.) Call upon Isis by ringing bell. You can conduct your own prayer or use this to help with the invocation. Search up Omnisutra - Book of the dead. Invocation of Isis on YouTube. 

4.) Expand your consciousnesses how ever you need to. Focus on what you want to tell Isis. 

5.) Listen deep while meditating on Isis. Count your breaths until you reach 10. 

6.) You can now ring the bell.

7.) Offer up your offering if you have any.  Isis will accept milk, honey, flowers, incense and candles. She is also a fertility Goddess, and may also accept your semen, if your a male. I'm not sure how it is for the females. This ritual can consist of a deep sexual offering. Thus, it can be a sexual spell for some. 


8.) Optional: Proceed your ritual with adoration to Osiris and Invocation of Horus. In early Egypt, Horus was the brother of Isis and Osiris. He eventually became the son of Isis and Osiris. This is how most modern pagans view Isis, Osiris and Horus. It is somewhat of a Trinitarian concept, if you think about it. 

9.) Optional: Chant the A Ka Dua or listen to it on YouTube. It's okay if your not sure what the A Ka Dua chant is. It is a sacred Egyptian chant. You will feel the energy within yourself and will thus, understand it more fully, when listening. 

9.) Blow out the candle and politely tell Isis, "good-bye" and thank her for her time.
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