To attain Wisdom


Strong Belief
Crystal Clear Focus
Un-Matchable Determination


This is a "Buddhist" spell to attain wisdom

Spell Casting

Performing time : 4:00 am to 7:00 am

Sit facing the east in a meditative pose and focus your mind and energy.Do any kind of meditation you like which can make you cool down and peaceful.Take your time you must be patient in this.Infact success of any kind of magick lies in the ability of staying patient of the performer.

Once you achieve this state (probably after 20 min of undisturbed meditation) chant slowly and peacefully the following with eyes closed.You must remember it so as to chant it with eyes closed obviously! ::

"Namu Myoho Renge Kyoh"

Chant this for 20 times or for as much time as needed.Remember while performing do not be impatient about the result but focus solely on the performance.


To know more about this spell like translations one may refer to or message me on my profile


Thank You
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