IngredientsClear quartz crystalColored in drawing of how you want your tail to look, it could look however you want, even with gems on your tail Water DescriptionThis spell should transform you Into a mermaid idk if the spell works on guys. Message me if it works and what side effects you experience. My best friend and I made this spell together.
Spell CastingTake a shower before doing the spell, to purify your body. As you gather all the things you need think about how, when and where you're going to transform. Draw and color what your tail would look like and keep it beside you for the whole spell. Somewhere on the paper, put how, when, and where you will transform Grab your clear quartz crystal and hold it tightly in your dominant (writing) hand. Put the hand you're using to hold the crystal into some water. Get your whole hand wet up to your wrist. Say this spell 3 times: Creatures of the sea, please hear me. I want to be a mermaid. I have the drawing beside me, these are the colors my tail should be. With powers of (you may have up to 7 powers) with a gemstone on my tail of (your favorite gemstone or your birthstone). Please, oh please dear creatures of the sea As I wish upon this stone of quartz a mermaid I dearly wish to be. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.