Goodbye Headache


One nail (Three inch if possible)
A Bible


This will alleviate or get rid of a suffering headache through the power of God.

Spell Casting

1. Begin with a simple prayer. This could be like the following:

“O Lord I beseech thee! Aid me in this painful moment and bring me the release of this terrible headache. Do this with the power of your only begotten son, our Lord, and please help me with this request.”

2. Make the sign of the cross and put the nail on the afflicted area. Say psalm 3 with the nail over the pain. Say it three times then seal the prayer with the sign of the cross.

3. Get your hammer and go find a tree that isn’t close to your home. Preferably a place you don’t travel often. Make a sign of the cross and take the nail and hammer it done into the tree as you say the following:

“May my pain cross over to my head to this tree. May it adsorb it’s pain and may God allow mine to gradually go away.”

Make the sign of the cross.

"So it is done."
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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