A BFF Frozen Mermaid Spell


A cup
1 or 2 ice cube(s)
Spring water


Want to look like Elsa with your BFF? Well. Good thing you came to me, MerFaith14!!!

Spell Casting

 If your BFF is with you, only put in one ice cube, to represent the both of you.  If your BFF isn’t near, put in 2 ice cubes.  When you do the spell, do it via FaceTime if your BFF isn’t near, if your BFF is near, do it then.  Put the ice cube(s) in the cup and fill it with nice, cold spring water.  Say this TWICE together AT THE SAME TIME while putting your hands on top of the cup:

”Crystalizing ice and snow let this Mer Elsa Transformation flow.  I’m here with my BFF.  Provide us with what will come next!  

Icey mermaids we will be, when we frolic about the vast springs and seas!”

your powers and transformation will appear on Christmas Day.  

Side affects:

1.  Humming, Let It Go

2.  Night chills

3.  Blue, glittery legs

4.  Blonde streaks of hair

Your tail should look like Elsa’s blue snowflake gown, if not, well... you may have done the spell wrong and you are probably a creature you didn’t want to be.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.