Removing Negative Energy


1 white candle with holder
Sea salt
Holy water
Lavender Oil
Small bowl


A beginners spell for negative energy removal.

Spell Casting

  1. Begin by grounding yourself. 
  2. Cast your circle, then place the candle with holder in front of you unlit. 
  3. Place your bowl below your candle and add the Holy Water. About half a cup. 
  4. Add a pinch of Sea Salt. 
  5. Add 3 drops of Lavender Oil. 
  6. Mix well with your finger. 
  7. Once mixed, light your candle. 

Repeat this chant:

"Clean I am, clean I be,
take darkness and evil away from me."

Repeat this chant until you begin to feel the negative energy begin to lift away from you. Once you feel that, extinguish the candle.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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