Effigy Poppet Curse


Effigy or Poppit
Black Candle
Fireproof container


Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your Shadow Circle and have made contact with either Hecate or Lyssa (or any other dark god or goddess) you should be able to start successfully conducting rituals. The effigy curse utilizes an image or representation (effigy) of the intended victim in the flame of the black candle. The effigy can be anything you wish it to be, their name on a small piece of paper is pragmatic and simple, also keep in mind you’re about to set it on fire. The amount of damage done to the victim is correlated to the amount of energy & rage you put into the chant.

Spell Casting

First: Light the black candle on your altar and place the fireproof container/bowl/plate in front of the candle. 

Second: Take your effigy & set the corner on fire using the candle. 

Third: Immediately drop the effigy in the bowl. 

Fourth: Chant the following aloud. 

This is the time of retribution, I invoke the elements, I summon them, I conjure them to do my bidding, The four watchtowers, grant me thy power, being forth fear, guilt and pain, there shall be submission without pity, I direct my hate against thee, against thee it shall be directed, a hundred-fold is the cost for my anger and pain, Thee shall be wrought with fear, anointed with pain, blinded by me, binded by me, cursed by me, So Mote it be! 

Lastly: Allow the Effigy to burn out, after the fire is out extinguish the candle to conclude the ritual. 

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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