Healing Drought


Oil of elderflower
Spit of praying mantis
Bud of skullcap
Tincture of tansy
Sprig of basil
Blade of nettle
Sweat of poison ivy
Seed of juniper
Dew of narcissus
Root of saffron
yellow wood sorrel flower and root


For when sick and injured pallor of Geras gnaws at long-lost luster.

Spell Casting

With the oil of elderflower, with the spit of praying mantis, with the bud of skullcap with the tincture of tansy,with the sprig of basil, with the blade of nettle, with the sweat of poison ivy, with the seed of juniper, with the dew of narcissus, with the root of saffron and root of wood sorrel.


With the golden flower which hath been given for the softening, once potion gleameth and gloweth gold, wave thine hands o'er the cauldron, and recite once:

Potion, Glimmer And Glisten And Shine, Bring Back Mine Life-Force Divine.


you may use this on others or yourself.


Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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