Fix A Blemish


Piece of paper
Black candle
Printout of Baphomet or downloaded image to view of Baphomet


This spell takes away any blemishes like a scar or a zit.

Spell Casting

Draw a five point star with circle/pentagram upside down.

Then neatly write your name in center, and put words, "I sell my soul to the devil." 

Then put neatly name of blemish under the upside down five point star with circle/pentagram. 

Then burn the piece of paper. 

Then yell: "Hail Satan!"

Then you will feel the blemish move if it is working.

Every time you see a baphomet from there on online it will look better, best if a wallpaper.

Alternate spell version: Say, "Blemish," then say "activate." and say what you want to fix.
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