True Love Poppet


Ready made poppet
Dried rose
Dried lavender, basil, damiana
Rose quarts
Red or pink candle
Paper and pen


A simple poppet to attract true love or improve self-love.

Spell Casting

Cast your circle. 

Focus your intent as you place your herbs, crystal and tag lock in to the poppet. Take the pen and paper and write your intention on to it and fold it three times towards you, then light your candle and seal the paper with the wax. Sew closed then name and christen it.

Visualize it's purpose then repeat the following three times. 

"Born of blood and Ocean blue, to you Goddess I call. 

Aphrodite pure and true, in true love I wish to fall.

Let my voice carry across the wind so my true love will hear.

That they will find their way to me, my call doth call them near. 

With open heart and open mind, I call them close to me. 

With harm to none, my will be done, as I wish, so mote it be."


Place on your altar (to Aphrodite if you have one) or in a safe space.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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