Ingredients32 black candles 1 image of parson a dollDescriptionCast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood
Spell CastingCast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood. If you under 18 don't do if u do it you get hrut I ain't brothered I tlod you not yo do for serious consequences it is snd for serious witches Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.