Communicate with Night Spirits




Just as it says.

Spell Casting

Near to the midnight, find a dark and lonesome place for the most solitude. The room should have a window which can be opened, if not fully, at least partly.

Open the window.

One should prepare by sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing the north.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

At the stroke of midnight, repeat the following invocation:

"Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,
Find favor with mine call and summons,
On the seven winds I beg thee travel,
And greet me in mine presence,
For a speaking of things that need bespoke,
From this moment hence,
Thy powers do I wish invoke,
For things that need be done".



Once this invocation has been spoken, close your eyes, clear your mind and welcome the spirits as they enter. There is no way that one may know how many may come, but remember that they should be greeted, one and each, as they enter. They may appear as apparitions, or one may only feel their presence.

When they have finished their arrivals, you may communicate with them using only the voice of your mind.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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