Correspondences-Kitchen Witch Herbal


Not sure where this is from. If you know, please message me so I can give proper credit.


Herbal uses and correspondences.

Spell Casting

The herbs listed below should be easily obtained at any grocery store, and should not get a second glance from even the most rabid anti-magickal person

Some ways to include herbs in your spells are to simmer them on the stove in a pot of water, to include them in ritual foods or drinks, to burn them in a fire, or to place them in a bag, doll, or pillow. You can also scatter them on your working altar.

Element: Air
Use:Contacting other planes, divination, love, passion, preventing nightmares, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, purification, clairvoyance, cleansing, consecration, fertility, gain, good luck, happiness money, weddings

Element: Fire
Use:Consecration, divination (esp. about love), exorcism, fertility, fidelity, good luck, happiness, harmony, love, money, passion, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, purification, strength, success, tranquility

Element: Fire
Use:Consecration, divination, dreams, healing, love, passion, protection, purification, wisdom, wishes

Element: Air
Use:Fidelity, love, memory, passion, preventing theft, protection, retention, sensuality, consecration, fertility, gain, honesty, keeping, secrets, peace of mind, weddings

*Celery seed*
Element: Earth
Use: Psychic development, Beauty, divination, fertility, love, passion

Element: Air/Fire
Use:Clairvoyance, consecration, divination, energy, good luck, love, money, passion, peace, prosperity, protection, success, communication, happiness, harmony, healing, inspiration, knowledge, meditation, purification, spirituality, tranquility, wisdom

Element: Fire
Use: Clairvoyance, divination, exorcism, keeps away negative, forces, love, memory, money, passion, peace of mind, protection, purification, stopping gossip, cleansing, friendship, psychic development, release, spell- breaking

*Coriander* (also called Cilantro)
Element: Fire
Use: Love, clairvoyance, divination, fertility, gain, health, keeping secrets, passion, peace, protection, retention, weddings *Dill*
Element: Earth/Fire
Use: Love, protection, psychic protection, blessings, confidence, determination, dreams, fertility, gain, harmony, keeping secrets, money, passion, peace, prevents theft, retention, rest, sleep, tranquility

Element: Air/Fire
Use: Confidence, courage, fertility, longevity, love, Midsummer, protection, psychic protection, purification, strength, commanding, consecration, divination, energy, gain, meditation, Summer rituals, virility

Element: Fire
Use: Magic, passion, protection, spell-breaking, strength, clairvoyance, commanding, confidence, consecration, courage, divination, healing, longevity, money, overcoming opposition, prevents nightmares, purification, stopping gossip, success, weather (fair)

Element: Fire
Use: Love, passion, psychic protection, cursing, health, psychic development, sensuality, success

Element: Air
Use: Clairvoyance, cleansing, consecration, happiness, healing, love, Midsummer, money, passion, peace, peace of mind, protection, psychic protection, purification, tranquility, blessings, chastity, divination, dreams, energy, gentleness, good luck, grieving, harmony, keeping secrets, magic, meditation memory, retention, ritual, sleep, stability, virility, weddings

Element: Earth/Water
Use: Love, beauty, cleansing, consecration, money, passion, protection, psychic protection, purification

Element: Air
Use: Clairvoyance, fertility, gain, good luck, love, protection

Element: Air
Use: Grieving, happiness, love, money, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, tranquility, weddings, animals, cleansing, courage, dreams (of love), harmony, peace, rituals for the dead, success

*Mustard seed*
Element: Fire
Use: Fertility, health, love, passion, protection commanding, cursing, exorcism, gain, good luck, sensuality, spell-breaking, strength, success, virility

Element: Fire/Air
Use: Clairvoyance, divination, money, dreams, fertility, gain, love, meditation, passion, prosperity, protection, psychic development, rest, sleep

Element: Fire
Use: Exorcism, protection, clairvoyance, cleansing, contacting other planes, divination, healing, lunar rites, magic, purification, spell-breaking

Element: Air
Use: Happiness, tranquility, animals, grieving, harmony, love, peace, protection, psychic development, weddings

Element: Earth
Use: Divination, happiness, passion, protection, psychic, development, purification, clairvoyance, cleansing, consecration, fertility, good luck, invokation, meditation, rituals for the dead, speed

Element: Fire
Use: Cursing, exorcism, passion, protection, commanding, sensuality, spell-breaking, stops envy

Element: Air
Use: Cleansing, consecration, dreams, happiness, healing, love, money, passion, prosperity, protection, psychic development, purification, release, renewal, rest, sleep, animals, divination, endings, energy, exorcism, good luck, grieving, spirit offering, success, transformation

Element: Water
Use: Dreams, Binding, clairvoyance, consecration, cursing, fertility, prosperity

Element: Fire
Use: Cleansing, confidence, consecration, courage, exorcism, good luck, grieving, happiness, healing, knowledge, love, memory, passion, peace of mind, prevents theft, protection, psychic development, purification, release, ritual, rituals for the dead, water rites/sea rituals, weddings, blessings, dreams, endings, energy, elves, fidelity, honesty, inspiration, invokation, longevity, meditation, new moon, prevents nightmares, sleep, strength, transformation, wisdom, Yule

Element: Fire
Use: Clairvoyance, divination, cleansing, commanding, consecration, exorcism, healing, magic, psychic development, purification, spell-breaking, weather (raises wind)

Element: Earth
Use: Cleansing, healing, longevity, money, passion, prosperity, psychic development, psychic protection, purification, wisdom, business, clairvoyance, consecration, divination, domestic harmony, energy, happiness, inspiration, keeping secrets, knowledge, love, Mabon, meditation, peace, retention, Samhain, tranquility, weddings, Yule

Element: Air
Use: Passion, animals, attracts males, happiness, love, satyrs, sensuality, virility

Element: Air
Use: Consecration, happiness, love, money, passion, prosperity, protection, psychic development, animals, dreams, endings, exorcism, healing, good luck, release, renewal, rest, sleep, spirit offering, success, transformation

*Star Anise*
Element: Air/Water
Use: Clairvoyance, good luck, protection, psychic development, consecration, divination, exorcism, fertility, gain, invokation, justice, love, money, passion, preventing nightmares, psychic protection, spiritual places

Element: Fire
Use: Commanding, confidence, courage, passion, protection, strength, animals, calming, keeping secrets, love, peace, prevents theft, retention, sensuality virility

Element: Air
Use: Clairvoyance, cleansing, consecration, courage, divination, dreams, exorcism faeries, happiness, healing, love, money, prevents nightmares, protection, psychic development, purification, compassion, confidence, contacting other planes, grieving, magic, meditation, Midsummer, passion, release, renewal, rituals for the dead, Summer rituals, wishing

Element: Fire
Use: Passion, commanding, confidence, courage, exorcism, magic, sensuality, spell-breaking, strength

Element: Fire
Use: Love, passion, energy, new moon

Element: Earth
Use: Animals, contacting other planes, good luck, money
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.