IngredientsDark EnergiesA Clear Mind DescriptionThis spell is for ones experienced in the Dark Arts, it can be used much like grabbing an object with your hands accept this is grabbing it with Dark Energies.
Spell CastingIn order to do this spell you must of conjured the Dark Energies about you and have them within you. {see "Dark Energies" spell}What you need to do, is gather together the Dark Energies within you, then have them emerge from your body. (your palm is the best place) Then, like putting on a glove put the Dark Energy on your body, then extend it outward and grasp what you wish to grasp. You can then do whatever you wish with the object, and depending on the amount of Dark Energy you have within you and your power you can potentially lift heavy objects or crush objects with the Dark Grasp. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.