IngredientsTools: Photo of the couple, bottle of Four Thieves Vinegar (any bottle of vinegar will do)Black Marker or pen Scissors Note: For some added "Omph" ,you can throw in 1 to 3 pinches of Goofer Dust. DescriptionTo make your ex-husband/wife or ex-boyfriend/girlfriends new partner up and leave the home and/or relationship.
Spell CastingTake the photo of the couple, and with the marker or pen; draw a house around them (meaning them in the middle of the drawing). Now visualize the couple arguing, and miserable and un-happy together! Now cut your ex's new partner out of the picture. Place their half of the photo inside the bottle of Vinegar Check the note listed above. Go to a moving body of water, like a creek, brook ,river or stream, and toss the bottle into the moving body of water and wait... they will up and leave your ex. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.