Spiteful Binding


Personal item from your enemy (such as hair)


A binding spell against your enemy.

Spell Casting

The punishments are as follows, depending on which element you call upon:

This element will cause an enemy to face different afflictions. Using the element of earth, your enemy will be cursed and may suffer from loosing his or her home or even death. To perform this binding, you must bury the bound object and speak a binding spell.

This element will cause an enemy to lose money. It can also cause your enemy to become enraged, angry or ill tempered by affecting their attitude. To perform this punishment, burn the bound object and speak a binding spell.

This element will cause storms, lightening, wind, rain or other harmful weather. To perform this punishment, burn the bound object and then scatter the ashes into the wind as you speak a binding spell.

This element will cause drowning in sorrow, guilt, sadness or some other emotion. To perform this punishment, throw the bound object into a source of water such as a stream or river while you speak a binding spell.


Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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