Teleportating a Psi Ball




Teleports a Psi Ball

Spell Casting

Teleporting A Psi Ball - Beginners Technique
Two Person Technique
Creating psi balls is the act of shaping energy with the mind. Energy is much easier to manipulate than physical objects, so this is a great beginners exercise.

Step One
Work out who will teleport for this exercise and who will be the receiver for this exercise.

Step Two
(Teleporter) Hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing. Close your eyes and relax. Concentrate on the space between your hands feel the energy ball between your hands. Try to strengthen this energy field by visualizing the ball growing stronger. If you cannot feel the ball, move your hands away from each other, then closer and closer, trying to feel the point of energy. To me, this feels like a tingling sensation between my hands and in my third eye.

Step Three
(Teleporter) Now I want you to open your eyes But stay focused on the energy between your hands feel the psi ball.

Step Four
(Receiver) Now I what you to hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing.

Step Five
(Teleporter) Focus your mind on the point between the hands of the receiver and when you are ready feel the psi ball teleport to the new destination between the hands of the receiver and if you have done this right the receiver should be able to feel the psi ball between their hands. If you need to use visualization for this technique then you can but remember to feel the energy movement.
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