Dysnomia Spell


A voice


This spell throws out a ball of destructive energy that explodes outwards into a disruption pulse. The effects of this spell include on a target include loss of balance and sense of direction, extreme general destruction, a lingering sense of disorientation and random fluctuations in gravity.

Spell Casting

Create a standard psiball of above-average size and strength. Speak the following incantation as you charge it with energy.

Από την εξουσία του χάους Ι επιβάρυνση του τομέα με τις δυνάμεις της απασχόλησης. Πτητική ορίζονται και απελευθέρωση δική σας οργή.

The ball will begin to charge with chaos energy. Once you feel it become heavy, powerful and difficult to control, thrust your palm foward, facing your target, and speak the following command to release the energy sphere: αποδέσμευση και η καταστροφή!

The Dysnomia Sphere should rocket foward, leaving a wide radius of destruction in the wake of the blast.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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