The Lemon Curse


Black candle
9 Nails
Cursing oil
Black bowl
Picture of victim


Cause another person to suffer.

Spell Casting

Have a candle lit using only a match, slit down the lemon down in the middle so that it forms to equal halve; on the surface of one of the lemon you place the picture of the person you wish to curse. Then focus on the flame of the candle and your anger at that person will begin to rise; poke the needles on to the surface of the lemon one by one. When you have reached the last and final nail; place the lemon in the black bowl and pour cursing oil over the lemon and then squeeze the remaining half of the lemon over the oil. Poke the last nail on the person's picture. To finish, setup an altar and wait for the lemon to rot. With each day passing, the curse will begin to work. When you feel the person has reformed or suffered enough you may dispose the lemon by throwing it in the sea or river.
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