Ingredients3 red candles8 rose petals (pink or red) Picture or belonging of the one that you love Red or pink string 6 inches long DescriptionSince the Wiccan law says you can't put spells on people, this one is to draw in love, instead of putting a spell on one another.
Spell CastingCast your circle, then make a small circle inside that circle with the string. Then take the rose pedals and put them around the string. Then put the red candles inside that circle around the top so you can fit the picture inside it too. Finally put the picture in the middle. Concentrate, then Chant:One that I love so dearly, You'll go away I'm fearing, But now I take into myself, the power of love, the power of help, How about you stay for a while, Our relationship we can reconcile, This spell is not on you, For it is something I will do, To draw in love and help, So I will have you for myself. Then take what's left of the rose and give it to him. If he refuses, then the spell may not work. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.