Protection of the Evil Eye


White Paper
Black Pen


This is a protection spell calling upon the Evil Eye.

Spell Casting

Write the chant in Romanian on the paper

Fac apel la Duhul tigani, care se odihnesc în pace adevărată,
Pentru a apela ochiul antic rău pentru a ma proteja, astfel încât nu bolnav
va pot veni fie în visele mele si in seara asta acasă,
Ca Nyx şi testamente Erebus-l, asa ca va ea 


I call upon the Gypsy Spirit, who rest in true peace,
To call the Ancient Evil Eye to protect me, So no ill
will may come to be in my dreams and home tonight,
As Nyx and Erebus wills it, So Will it

Chant in Romanian each night and then place it under your pillow. In a month, burn the paper, then rewrite it again and use the new one.

Repeat this at the end of every month, because the paper holds all ill wills that people send to you.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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