Psychic Dreams


1 small square of silver cloth
1 tsp. of nutmeg
1 aquamarine
1 amethyst
a few drops of Sandalwood oil
blue ribbon


Use this spell before bed to increase your chances of having a psychic dream.Good Luck!

Spell Casting

Do this spell on the full moon. Make sure the moonlight shines on your work area. Place the silver fabric in front of you. Sprinkle the nutmeg on the fabric. Then, as you place the aquamarine and the amethyst on the fabric, say what you want to see in your dream(s).Chant it a few times. Gaze at the moon and chant it again. put a few drops of sandalwood oil and then bring up the corners to form a bag and tie with a blue ribbon.Place it under your pillow and sleep with it for a few nights and you should deveklop psychic dreams. Sleep well!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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