Break a Bad Habit


altar candles
white tapered candle
black tapered candle


A spell I obtained from a book I read some time ago, with my personal touches added to it. Best if done on a full moon.

Spell Casting

Step 1: Light altar candles. Hold the unlit black candle in your hands and say: "This holds me back. No more will it control me. No more is it a part of me."

Step 2: Place the black candle on your altar and hold the unlit white candle in your hands. Say: "This is my might and my courage and my victory. This battle is already won."

Step 3: Place the white candle next to the black one on your altar. Light the black candle and picture the bad habit you want to break. Light the white candle and picture yourself free from your bad habit. After a few moments of imagining victory, put out the black candle, then the white. Repeat a week later if necessary.
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