DruidHealer's Profile

Member Info
Name: DruidHealer
Location: Newcastle
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 14 May 2012
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
As my name suggests I am a member of the True Druid order. As a Druid I have taken an oath to protect and heal all those in need. Our strength comes from Nature, the Elements and the Earth, we do not wield its power, we are part of it. I have came to this site to teach our ways to those who wish to better connect with nature. There are many people out there who claim to be a Druid because they like that way of life, or they like the idea behind the name, but in reality that is a sad story. It takes years of training to earn the title of Druid, even those of us who are of the blood are not classed as a Druid until we pass our final trials (which takes between 15-20 years of constant training). I would ask all those who claim to be a Druid ask themselves "what does it actually mean to be a Druid?" I understand when people look at profiles there looking for a list of their abilities, all I shall say to that is I am a Druid of Celtic blood, if you understand what this means then you will know of my powers and abilities If you wish to know of the path I walk then pray ask, and if you must know of my abilities then show me you are ready to learn of the old ways Blessed be your light