roseever's Profile

Member Info
Name: roseever
Birthday: Feb 22 1995
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 06 Sep 2011

Membership: Member

Personal Bio
im not one to say how im feeling.When i hurt i withdraw into a cloud of silence, eventually emerging from a reticence with jokes and laughter that cover up my true feelings.i can become moody and cynical when depressed.i succumb to sarcastic overly sensitive and too aware of other peoples' expectations.i suppress myself to avoid feeling own feelings and emotions play too big a role.i experience unnecessary fear and emotional turmoil. Little things seem disproportionately difficult to overcome and sometimes have a paralyzing effect. Jealousy can cause much pain and misunderstanding. These negative aspects actually spring in part from positive characteristics i have,like my acute awareness and an antennae for other peoples feelings.i know before a word is spoken how they feel.i sometimes lack the inner strength to maintain my own center, and try to conform to the prevailing emotional atmosphere. This makes me understanding and somewhat impersonal and may be difficult to get to knowi hav deep feelings and compassion but dont show also stubborn.theres more to me then what meets the surface