Seaweel's Profile

Member Info
Name: Seaweel
Location: Lansing, MI
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 19 Jan 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi, my name is Seaweel. That is not my real name, but that is my pen name. I have a passion for writing, arts and crafts. I love everything that has to do with herbs, mixing herbs into potions, spicing them up for cooking, or even just reading about them. A couple of things that I am trying to learn how to do is making candles, incense, as well as essential oils. I have a passion for them all. I have been on my pagan path for a little over ten years now. I chose my path because this is where I feel most a home. Before that I was Christian, but never felt welcome. I was brought up Christian, but when my friends at high school met me they said I seemed more pagan/wiccan. It took me a while before I realized that I was pagan. And Nature pagan at that. I know it seems like I have no idea what so ever, probably because I still feel fairly new at it.. Even though I have been researching it for all these years. I was not able to openly practice I had to hide it. Now that I am available to openly practice I do it when I can. Fullmoon rituals have been my latest practice. Many more are being practiced also. Many more to come.