darkdescend's Profile

Member Info
Name: darkdescend
Location: Wandering in the depths of my mind
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 28 May 2014
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
Zodiac sign- Aquarius
Element- Air
Spirit animal- Swan
Root: under-active (-62%)
Sacral: under-active (-25%)
Navel: under-active (-19%)
Heart: under-active (-25%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: over-active (100%)
Crown: open (38%)
Ok, firstly I am VERY superstitious and if anybody wants to know any superstitions then talk to me and i'll tell you some. I have developed a decent skill in casting spells. I specialise in luck and have been for multiple years. I am an odd character, or so I`ve been told. Often found wondering the local wood with my trusty dog, or dipping into the spiritual relm. I am constantly in a dreamy state, which has improved on my subconscious magic. My wand skills have allowed me to not only change the luck of myself and others, but change and twist fate itself. This skill is also accompanied with the ability to see into the near future, and have the ability to change it at will. I don`t tell anybody personally of this for obvious reasons, and if anybody would like to know a few tips, spells and techniques then I would be more than happy to help. The subjects I can help with are:
Well, thanks for reading,
Dark descend
Excuse my horribly dark name, twas the first name that popped into my mind. I`m a happy person really!