1EyePreacher's Profile

Member Info
Name: 1EyePreacher
Location: Massachucets
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 14 Jan 2014

Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Im a budding young potty mouthed, magician. Im a hellblazer trying to get through the backdoor to Eden.Im out there,different, but were all like that. I love music,art,comedy,comics,books, pretty much lots of random stuff to a terrifying degree. I have alot of dimensions. Im attracted to Magic, I use a bit of everything, because like Martial Arts even though its amazing in the beginning it gets stale after a while using the same things and its fun to mix it up and learn new moves. But unlike Martial Arts, Magic is easy to teach yourself all i need is inspiration. But a few friends here and there to help you out dosent hurt either.