sacredmist79's Profile

Member Info
Name: sacredmist79
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 20 Jan 2013

Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have know about wicca for years, however I never quite started practicing.. however recently I started my year and a day training..
A bit about me: I am not a negative person and do not take kindly to negative actions or words.. I am 15 years old and everyone says that I act more like a 20 year old. I also have the gift of clairvoyance
A bit about my craft: I am interested in all aspects of wicca, and I try to mold with whichever form of witchcraft that I am studying at the time.. recently I have been studying elemental spell, as well as divination ( scrying, rune reading, palmistry, tarot,etc..) I have recently found out, that my element is air.
A bit about my God and Goddess: Through much meditation and concentration, I have found that my Goddess is Brigid, and my God is Cernunnos.. I understand that they will help and guIde me along in my path!
Well, that was everything about myself, my God and Goddess, and my craft.. I wish to make friends as soon as possible, so please add me!