12346's Profile

Member Info
Name: 12346
Birthday: Apr 29 1999
Location: Johannesburg
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 16 Jun 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

My perspective on The Dark Art is: The terms "Dark Magick" and "The Dark Arts" both describe a category of occultism that involves interaction with the hidden, rejected and denied aspects of nature. Nature refers not only to the stuff going on around you but includes human nature as well. The Dark Arts practitioner especially needs to understand and accept the dark aspects of their own nature. Another important point I need to make clear up front about Dark Magick is that, while often stigmatized by mainstream spiritual paths, it is a set of techniques that are useful to anyone interested in embracing their entire self holistically. I've been raised to respect those around you even if I we disagree. I return I expect you to respect me back. I've been practasing witchcraft for about a year now.