majestikblui's Profile

Member Info
Name: majestikblui
Birthday: Feb 17 1977
Location: Missouri
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 02 Aug 2020

Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I have been studying for a while and have always been drawn to Witchcraft. I enjoy using herbs to make various things and use spells and rituals as often as I can.
I have been with this site for a few years under a few different accounts.
I ask a lot of questions because either I don't understand or i have been given other information on the subject. Please feel free to email me with anything you think I might be interested in learning about or studying.
I want to learn more about:
Spell work
Spirit work
The Tarot
Past lives
Crystals and stones
Meditation techniques
Learning new things
Learning about different paths
And probably a bunch of other things that I didn't mention