Amethyst101's Profile

Member Info
Name: Amethyst101
Location: Mumbai, India
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 09 Jan 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I'm 16 yrs old and relatively new where magick is concerned. But I've constantly been learning and hope to learn more by joining this site. Right now, I'm just a beginner but I do have knowledge about the basics like meditation, grounding, visualisation, spell casting, wiccan holidays, herbs etc. I'm also practising tarot now. I'm scared of fire so candle magick really isn't for me but I'm trying to overcome my fears now...:D
My hobbies are singing, reading, writing, listening to music,baking, fashion- anything creative, really. I love animals and I'm terribly self -conscious.
Well, thats it, I guess:)