xstephznide's Profile

Member Info
Name: xstephznide
Location: Columbia, SC
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 01 Jun 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have been studying Wicca for a few years now, and I've come to realize that even though it can be done alone, I would prefer to be in a coven where I can talk it through with others that have already done what I would like. I was introduced to Wicca in 2001, maybe even before... and started really studying it since 2002/3. I love to draw and paint--especially nature scenes. my father once freaked out because one of my paintings looked like something my grandfather (his dad) painted... the weird thing is that there were no photographs of it, it doesn't exist anymore, and i wasn't alive when it was done/he was alive. i think his spirit might be with me, while his ashes are in the top of my closet. I've been told that on my father's mother's side of my family, there was a coven of Wiccans (for many generations) and my grandfather stopped that line. Until now, lol. If there's anything else you would like to know, just message me :)