natedognail's Profile

Member Info
Name: natedognail
Location: Mississippi
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 10 Jul 2015
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Merry Meet, I practice Paganism in all forms. I believe all gods and goddesses exist.
I have always believed that witchcraft was alive and well. I am 19 and have been practicing the craft for almost five years. However, I used to dabble in it for about a year. I am a Natural Witch; it has been calling my name since birth. Even as a child, I made potions from random herbs in the garden. Until recently, I didn't know what the potions did.
I was born into a rather strict Christian family, so you can see where I come from.
I am in love with the craft and without it, I would have never found my higher calling.