Mikettheyng's Profile

Member Info
Name: Mikettheyng
Location: Sumter, SC-USA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 22 Jul 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hey I'm Michael! I'm almost 16...will be on April 24th! Yes, a Taurus-earth elemental. I'm a natural born Intuitive Precognitive Empath...I also seem to be developing Clairvoyance... I'm boss at writing spells, terrible at brews and scrying haha Divination isn't typically my thing. As the days go by, I get more experienced; not a teenage high priest and don't want to be. I love to teach about my ways!! I tend to align more eclectic-Dianic Wiccan than any other. I'm very open minded. Also I'm gay so, yeah. Haha! Anything else? Be free to ask! If you're under the age of 21 then you can KIK or text me: redneck2498 or 803-468-9877. -Michael H. "Hear the words of the witches, thee goddess is with us!" Blessed Be!