MotherGreen7's Profile

Member Info
Name: MotherGreen7
Location: In your head....
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 10 Sep 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm a very shy person, but I can be friendly and honest.
I can be grumpy and extremely stressed out sometimes, but everyone has there bad traits.
I like to be alone a lot of the time, sometimes its because of my anxiety, and because of my being born with social anxiety, I was homeschooled all my life.
I'm not sure what I believe in my life yet, but paganism has caught my eye.
My favorite things are candle magick, crystal healing, and herbs.
I love anime, so if anyone want to talk randomly about it, go ahead and mail me.
I've been recently practicing and learning about tarot cards, lucid dreams, spirit guids, divination, potions, luck spells, and astral projection.
And as for music I listen to, I mostly listen to hard rock, classical, and alternative. It all depends on my mood.
I do have a dark side, but it comes out very rarely.
I also like to meditate. If you want to know anything more about me, message me. I love to get messages.
But don't insult me, because I will block you...