Skyaub's Profile

Member Info
Name: Skyaub
Birthday: Jan 30 1994
Location: Boyertown, PA.
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 18 May 2019
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
My name is Skylar, I'm twenty two years old. I've been practicing for almost three years now.
I'm still trying to learn as much as possible.
I'm working on advancing my psychic abilities, astral projection, and past life regression.
I'm practicing spells and getting comfortable with herbs.
I'm learning about reincarnation, a higher power, my spirit guide, auras, aura readings, dreams, a lot more.
I'm not on this site to date or hook up with anyone so please don't ask me.
I'm here to learn and advance.
If you have any advice/pointers, would like to ask me some questions, or would just like to have an intellectual conversation then send me a message.
Also please don't think because I practice witchcraft that I can fix your life. Fixing your life starts with you, not someone else.