MorganLeFey6's Profile

Member Info
Name: MorganLeFey6
Birthday: Nov 28 1999
Location: Listening to blutengel... Most likely
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 03 May 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I was born in Wilson North Carolina which is where I live now in case you where wondering. I love nature and I am a friend to all creatures of darkness and nature and definitely fairies. Mail me if you have any questions. I specialize in the dark arts. If your elven or fae mail me I enjoy a good conversation. :)
About me:
* I study black magic and nature magic
* I have reddish Brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin
* I specialize in mostly power and summoning.
* I am part demon, but most importantly I'm a witch and yes that means I have power but unless you are dead serious DO NOT ask for my help.
* I enjoy chatting and not just helping with peoples troubles
* I'm very sociable ask me anything
* I'm a Sagittarius but I don't really understand what it means
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again